duminică, 28 decembrie 2008

.........a fost

sa nu ma-ntrebi iubitul meu in lipsa ta daca mi-e greu sa nu ma-ntrebi daca iubesc sa nu ma-ntrebi daca traiesc. sa nu ma-ntrebi daca mi-e dor sa nu ma-ntrebi de vreau sa mor sa nu ma-ntrebi daca mai plang sa nu ma-ntrebi ce am in gand. sa nu ma-ntrebi ce-i frumusetea si suferinta si tristetea sa nu ma-ntrebi ce-i fericirea nici dac-am cunoscut iubirea. sa nu ma-ntrebi daca zambesc in jur de pot sa mai privesc sa nu ma-ntrebi daca ma doare nici daca vad pe cer ca-i soare. fara sa-ntrebi am sa-ti raspund frumosul meu cu suflet bland la orice-ai vrut sau vrei sa stii raspunsuri inger vei primi. in lipsa ta mi-e greu iubire iubesc,traiesc in amintire de chipul tau imi este dor eu fara tine vreau sa.....mor. in noapte lacrima-mi ascund de dragul tau iubire plang cu tine-n gand adorm cu greu in vis apari si esti al meu. ce-i frumusetea?-chipul tau ce-i suferinta?-dorul meu ce e tristetea?-viata mea de-ar fi s-o pierd nu mi-ar pasa. ca am putut sa te cunosc sa te ating suflet frumos si am putut sa-ti simt iubirea si am aflat ce-i fericirea. daca zambesc o fac prin lacrimi daca privesc nu-s ochii mei ca nu mai au lumina inger de cand te-ai departat de ei. nu stiu,nu vad daca e soare nimic acum nu are rost secunda fara tine doare a fost frumos,frumos......a fost!

me eu

De ce ma mistui ca o lumanare in tacere? De dragul de a arde si a piere? Afland la fiecare pas sfarsitul unui drum, Exact ca flacara ce se preface-n scrum... Si de c-astept ca orice noua zi Sa-mi dea speranta-n forta de-a iubi?Sa simt ca zbor, ca ma inalt si ca plutesc Fiind pregatita-n orice clipa sa zambesc. Si obosita de atata zambet in tacere De ce nu iau aminte la suspine, lacrimi si durere? De ce in continuare tac, sper si zambesc Iubindu-l chiar daca nu-i bine sa-l iubesc?! Necontenit eu ma intreb, dar oare... Cunosc raspunsul la aceasta intrebare? NU, nu-l cunosc, stiu doar c-am obosit De dor, de asteptat si de iubit!
Stau si citesc o carte Mi-e gandul tot la tine Si as vrea sa fi cu mine Ca mi-este dor de tine, Tu esti iubirea mea Esti fericirea mea Si inima te vrea Sa fi doar langa ea, Mi-e dor mi-e tare dor De al tau sarut si simt ca mor Sa nu uiti ca TE IUBESC Si doar pe tine TE DORESC.Mi-e greu mi-e tare greu Cand ma gandesc mereu La ce se va intampla Atunci cand vei pleca,As vrea acum sa stii Cat eu te pot iubi Si ma gandesc mereu Doar la sarutul tau,As vrea sa fi cu mine Nu pot sta fara tine Tu esti iubirea mea Si vei fi toata viata,Sufletul meu te striga Ca-I este tare frica Atunci cand vei pleca Ca tu il vei uita,Si inimii ie frica Sa n-o lasi singurica Eu nut e voi uita Ca nu voi putea,Deci tu vei fi mereu Prezent in suffletul meu Si-n inimioara mea Ca doar pe tine ea te vrea.Stau acum si ma gandesc Daca sit u ma iubesti Si daca ma iubesti Sa nu ma parasesti,Pentru ca eu te iubesc Doar la tine ma gandesc Si nu o sa te parasesc Cat o sa mai traiesc,Eu te iubesc si tu o stii Ca nu te voi parasi Pentru ca inima mea Numai pe tine te vrea. Viata mea a devenit un vis Un vis ce tu mi l-ai aprins Tu mi-ai redat speranta Tu mi-ai inseninat viata, Mi-e teama sa plec Ca nu o sa te mai gasesc Ca o sa te pierd Si am sa regret.

Te iubesc

Infinitul e un nimic Pe langa iubirea ce ti-o port,Adun totul cu universul Si tot nu e de ajuns Scriu paginii intregi de versuri Si tot mai am ceva de spus,Cuvintele din lume Nu iti v-or putea descrie A mea nemarginita iubire.De-ar fi sa mor,As trai prin tine,Imi sting setea Privindu-te,Respir prin parfumul Pielii tale Imi satur foamea Cu buzele tale,Alung frigul Invelindu-ma cu bratele tale...............Si totusi te iubesc mai mult,Oricate as fi spus,Niciodata nu-i de-ajuns!

sâmbătă, 30 august 2008


PS...Speranta... care moare ultima (asa zice lumea)si iti da acel inpuls si acea putere ca sa mergi inainte si sa mai dai o sansa vietei...care uneorinici nui gasesti sensul... dar nu arati la orcine acele sentimente de "pesimist"si joci teatrusi nu arati la toata lumea ce simnti si prin ce treci...si orcine te ar vedea zice...doamne ce fericit e omul asta si ce chef de viata are...uneori cheful nu este prezent...dar sa zicem ca chieful iti vine traind prezentul...intr-un lucru rau inveti tot timpul ceva experimentezi ceva...si nu tot timpultrebuie sa privesti cu ochi rai aceste lucruri...trebuie sa le iei asa cum sunt... si sa alegi din cei rau ce e bun...sa tragi concluzii...si sa te intrebi tot timpul ce ai invatat in viata asta si ce ar trebui sa faci ca sa ti fie bine,,,si sa treci peste unele bariere care ti se pun in fata bagandu-ti o frica in tine si incercandu-te sa vada cat de tare esti si cat poti sa lupti...trebuie sa ai un pshiic foarte tare ca sa reusesti sa treci peste toate...trebuie sa nu ai frica si sa privesti viitorulcare il ai in fata ca pe un lucru bun...si sa te multumesti ca ai o viata si o sansa sa faci ceva in ia, o sansa sa schimbiviata asta sai dai un curs si un sens...daca nu ai pe cineva langa tine...e greu dar se poate...omul poate multe lucruri bune si puterea de a lupta, dar nu le vede...uneori e orb... se complace asa cum e ...se inchide in el, nu comunica cea ce il aduce intro stare care nici el nu stie cum sa treaca peste ea...am invatat un lucru in viata...cu toate ca stiu multe lucrurice e bine si ce e rau...nu tot timpul aplic ce stiu...In viata trebuie sa comunici...sa accepti tot timpul un sfat de la cineva... chiar daca nu iti place sau e rau... alege din sfatul respectiv doar ce e bun.. sau punele pe toate cap la cap si trage o concluzie...care te va ajuta intr-un mod sau altul sa treci peste anumite momente din viata si sa incerci sa schimbi ceva chiar daca e greu... nu exista nu pot ci nu vreau... sau cel putin incerci...ca pierzi ca castigi, macar ai incercat sa faci ceva in viata asta....

vineri, 29 august 2008

Atunci plangi cu lacrimi de ...

Atunci plingi cu lacrimi de sange si incerci din rasputeri sa o aduci inapoi fiindca simti ca ai pierdut totul, ca viata ta nu mai are sens. Stii ca ai gresit iar a gresi e omenesc iar a ierta e un dar si uite si uite de aceia destinul iti acorda o a doua sansa, iti permite sa lupti pentru ceea ce iti doresti cu adevarat sa iubesti si sa fii iubit. Icerci, te chinui si faci tot posibilul sa aduci lucrurile la normal, sa fie totul cum a fost odata caci fara el stii ca nu poti sa traiesti, stii ca nu poti sa continui pentru ca atunci cand ai pierdut acea persoana ti-ai pierdut punctul de sprijin ai pierdut cea mai de pret comoara nu mai razi, nu mai glumesti, te simti un nimeni, tot ce iti mai da viata este gandul la momentul cand veti fi din nou impreuna. Si continui sa speri, dar ce e de facut, ma simt tradat, simt ca o urasc, simte ca poate nu m-a iubit niciodata, dar te doare iubirea pentru ea, si vrea sa ti-o scoti din suflet si din minte dar nu poti . Tot ce poti sa faci este sa plangi si sa plangi pana , te ineci in propiile-ti lacrimi, iar apoi sa incerci din nou sa lupti, dar simti ca nu mai poti, ca nu mai ai putere, ca pierzi si nu poti sa faci nimic. Iti pare rau ca a gresit, iti pare rau ca ti-ai amarat sufletul si iti pare rau ca nu a fost langa tine sa ti aline durerea dar nu este deajuns pentru ca se simnte tradat. Tot ce stii este ca sufletul iti este pustiu si tu nu te gandesti la el si nui asculti suferinta ca nu ai fost acolo, ca altadata, sa ii sorbi lacrimile fierbinti sau poate ca nu ai stiut sa iti ceri iertare. Accepti infrangerea, nu te lupti...si lasi totul sa para ca nu regreti deloc ce ai facut. Si nu lupti ca sal aduci inapoi. Nu speri la acea a 2 a sansa. Cam asta e dragostea, ea te urca si te coboara, e ceva de nu prea multa lume e in stare dar orcine are dreptul sa incerce. Dragostea poate fi usor asemanata cu un joc de carti caci pui in joc totul si si joci pana la ultima carte ca sa castigi caci sa pierzi ar fi cel mai dureros lucru din viata ta .
Frumos e sa iubesti, dar rau e sa suferi din iubire asa ca mai bine opreste-te la "a iubi".

Venim si plecam lasam sau....

Venim si plecam lasam sau suntem parasiti. Si toate astea fac parte din viata noastra. Unele persoane vin si pleaca repede din viata noastra, altele stau o vreme, punadu-si amprenta pe inima noastra. Dupa plecarea lor, nu vom mai fi..niciodata acelasi...Viata nu se masoara cu numarul de respiratii pe care le avem, ci in momentele care iti taie rasuflarea. Mereu cersim vietii ani multi, asa-n nestire, Ne razvratim, ne plangem de piericiunea noastra, Si inca nu -ntelegem ca fara iubire.Se vestejeste Timpul in noi ca floarea fara apa...se stie k frumusetea e trecatoare...iar fericirea depinde de noi...insa cel mai trist lucru este acela k safletul ti-l ia tocmai acea persoana care nu are nevoie de el
Dragostea?!ce este dragostea? Pentru unii poate nu inseamna nimic, pentru altii inseamna totul. Un lucru insa este sigur, dragostea nu are varsta si nici explicatie, ea vine pe nepregatite si te cuprinde in mrejele ei, iar atunci te simti cel mai fericit, caci dragostea iti da viata si putere sa traiesti. Dragostea poate fi insa, sau este cu siguranta o arma cu doua taiusuri, caci ea este cea care iti da viata si care te inalta pe cele mai inalte culmi dar si cea care iti ia viata si te arunca in cele mai adanci prapastii.Intodeauna este greu sa gasesti persoana potrivita, persoana careia sa ii daruesti tot ce ai mai bun, dar atunci cand o vei intalnii iti vei da seama poate de la prima privire, prima atingere sau primul sarut. Si iata ca ai ajuns in punctul in care ai intilnit persoana potrivita. Din acest moment simti ca plutesti, simti ca toata lumea e a ta, simti ca numai cel de langa tine conteaza. Din acest moment pentru tine viata si-a schimbat cursul, caci ce a fost sau va fi nu conteaza, te concentrezi nu mai asupra clipei prezente, asupra a ceea ce ai acum si pe care nu vrei sa o pierzi pentru nimic in lume. Si poate la un moment dat, te gandesti ca niciodata nu credeai ca vei intalni atata fericire, iar atunci te opresti din drumul tau si ii multumesti lui Dumnezeu pentru ca ti-a daruit Raiul pe Pamant. De acum stii cu siguranta ca orice s-ar intampla cineva te iubeste cu adevarat, iar tu la randul tau ai face orce sa oti langa tine, sa o faci fericita deoarece aste tot ce ai mai bun pe lume, singurul lucru pentru care traiesti.Simti ca totul e perfect si nimic nu va va despartii vreodata, dar destinul rezerva oricui multe surprize si de vreme ce cu putin timp in urma iti daruise ce mai frumos cadou: dragostea adevarata, acum incearca sa ti-o ia, caci fara sa iti dai seama, dintr-o greseala prosteasca sau poate din prea mult orgoliu, tradezi persoana de langa tine, persoana pe care o iubesti atat de mult si careia nu vroiai sa ii faci nici un rau.

M-am uitat la toate din....

M-am uitat la toate din aceasta lume, la tot ce a trecut pe langa mine mai repede sau mai incet, lucruri care m-au afectat intr-o masura mai mare sau mai mica, lucruri pe care nu le-am bagat in seama sau care au durut. Am vazut aproape tot ce se putea vedea in lumea asta, bine si rau laolalta, am vazut chiar si cum ar putea arata fericirea, am tinut-o candva in causul palmelor, dar mi-a scapat printre degete. Au fost promisiuni pe care nimeni nu le-a respectat, poate nici eu, dureri pe care le-am alinatsi dureri la care am ramas rece pentru ca nu le puteam stapani pe ale mele, lacrimi pe care le-am varsat si lacrimi pe care le-am inghitit oricat de amare erau. Au existat usi pe care nu le-am dschis si usi pe care nu le-am inchis, insa alegerile au fost din punctul meu de vedere corecte.Am abandonatiubiri sau prietenii sau elem-au abandonat pe mine si imi dau seama ca exista vise pe care nu le-am trait, nu le regret si nici nu le vreau. Am vazut tot ce mi s-a oferit si nu am putut accepta, ca si ce nu mi s-a oferit si as fi vrut sa accept. Am vazut in ganduri tot ce ar fi vrut fiecare sa spuna, insa acele cuvinte nu au ajuns la mine niciodata, la fel ca si multele cuvinte pe care ar fi trebuit sau nu sa le rostesc, dar care au ramas numai in mintea mea.Nu-mi amintescdaca am iubit vreodata...imi amintesc visele tale.N-mi dau intodeauna seama daca te apropi sau te indepartezi, uneori cred ca faci toate astea in acelasi timp. Imi doresc din nou sa cunosc linistea pe care am cunoscut-o cand ti-am privit indelung chipul. Pate daca mi s-ar aduce chipul tau inapoi acum, ar fi mult mai usor sa aflu din nou chipul pe care stiam ca, l-am pierdut:Chipul meu. Suntem deseori vrajiti de fragmente simple de poezie ce coloreaza viata. Ne fascineaza garile si parfumul, ne nostalgizam la despartirile de pe peron.

miercuri, 23 iulie 2008

Only time can tell...

Love... Why does it hurt? Maybe because we love too much and too deep that sometimes we forget to keep a little for ourselves...sad but true. Breaking up is just like having the worst nightmare after having the best dream. There are many lessons in life that only time can teach us,like how much we love someone. It's nearly impossible to know that, until we spend our days without them. And then there are those lessons that we can learn only through the beating of our heart, and through feeling such strong emotions that we can barely breathe. Then finally, the essence of time and the power of our heart crossing paths, and the only knowledge we’re left with is the realization that time is the one thing that keeps us from letting go. No, it's never the embracing, or the kisses. Not the laughter or the tears, only time.

vineri, 9 mai 2008


Three little words can make a difference in one's life. There are many things that we can do to perk up and strengthen oue interpersonal relationships. Yet the most effective involves the saying of just three words. Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person's deepest emotional needs the need to belong , to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your family, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words."I LOVE YOU."

To have the best relationships...(especially for girls)

"Stop all shame, blame and criticism. Instead ask for what you want in a clear, specific and positive manner, and express appreciation for your partner. To elaborate:Men need to feel competent-that they make a contribution and that it is noticed. When your relationship start to break down , you need AAA: an Apology , Afeection , and a promise of Action. You say you're sorry for what you've said or done to hurt or disappoint your partner. You immediately offer a hug , a kiss-some meaningful gesture of warmth. You pledge to do something that matters to your partner."

My heart is an open book....

My heart is like an open book...it depends on how you read me. Don't judge me by my cover...look inside and discover! I might be one of your best page ever...

just keep on smiling coz' someone...somewhere is reaching out for u !

You know that somewhere... someone dreams of your smail and found your presence in life so worthwhile. So when you're feeling down , remember it's true that someon... somewhere, is thinking of you always. If you could spend an hour in my Soul. Then you will know how it feel, to love you ! In my dreams you are mine in my life you're a dream...so keep smiling !

people...Always searching

People, full of guestions yet lacking answers filled with a curiosity never fully satisfied wishing for confidence... without an attitude of assurance constantly wanting to be liked and accepted we dislike and reject the world around us forever searching...
For that which we we already possess.

Love addict needs a love drug...(lol)

I'd like to tell you about the thoughts that often come into my mind. For example, today I realized that I became a love-addict. I can't live without this love drug! I need to take at least a smallpart of tenderness and passion every day, every hour, every minut! This feeling I got only after meeting you. I want to know everything about you , to understand your soul... I found something interesting in you every day and every time I wanted to cry.. to cry of joy coz' love is filing me ! Thank you for this wonderful feeling I can't even find proper words to say how strong my love to you is...Love is a strong drug. First you take some and then you constantly increase the dose as you need more... more love, more passion, more time to spent it with the beloved person. And finally you can't live a minute without the person you love! I hope that I will never find the treatment for this disease and we will be together forever!

You are important so stay with me...

What makes some people important?"It's not just the happiness that you feel when you meet but it is the pain you feel when you miss them."
Love and friendship will last for a very long time if you would exert effort in making it stay...

With you , feels like in heaven...

I am so glad and I can always feel your love for me by finding a way just to keep in toukh with me... I know how much you are busy working but you never forget to call me or even send me a message just to know if I ok...With you, I al most feel like areal angel in heaven!

The love I've found in you...

I've never had a hard time saying what I feel but that seems to have changed ever since I met you. Even now , I'm finding it difficult to write down everything you have given me. So let me descri be the gift you have given me, because mere words aren't enough. I know that in every age, in every place, love is certain to be thereso there's no reason to tremble because life on earth is but one brief moment, a moment truly worth living for. I have found that out by being with you. Having you in my life has brought me more happiness than a lifetime could bring. You've touched my life so deeply in your ohn way that you've helped me laugh and become my own self. I feel like I've searched my whole life even though our time together was short, it will not be forgotted but remembered forever and ever.

miercuri, 30 aprilie 2008

Thanks to you...

Because of you I have conguered the world's greatest challenge-Love and I will always be grateful for this extraordinary gift only we shares.Meeting you has made me realize how precious and fragile love can be. I would give up everything for on moment with you , for one moment is better than a life time of never knowing you. I know that life seems to be a struggle after another.Our scenery is constantly changing , but there is one thing that remaing constant...my love for you.Please don't be angry at what life has done to us, because for the first time in my life...I have accepted my sickness I'm just thankfulthat along my journey I knew someone like you, since i have come to know you I have learned that love is the greatest feeling you will ever haveyet it is also one of the greatest sorrow. There is so much suffering , but then there are times when the crying, pain, and heartache are worth it.Those moments make all the suffering worth whil...I love you with all that I am , all that I was, and all that I ever will be.

Live in peace in our wonderful world...

You inspire in me a love so deep that words cannot describe it...so powerful that it overwhelms my every thought that's whu i wanna greet everyone with a wonderful week ahead. Let's make a wondrous place for you, me and the future generations by taking care of our Mother Earth . This will the greatest love we can show and give to everyone peace, hugs and smiles for you...God bless!

From my heart...

You're always lighting up my heart with the things you do for me and with the beautiful words you say to me.I feel so happy just being with you.You're my hero, and will forever be my hero.You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith in yourself.Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat.You're my dream!every moment we share together, we become closer and closer.So closer that we only can hear our hearts beat. I'm waiting for a moment, witing to see you and talk to you again.Then you can hold me tight, and you can whisper worus in my ears..."I will never forget you...I need you coz' Ilove you more than everything in this world!"

This is what i am...


Millions of kisses for you...

Life is full of boundaries
But my kisses don't care them all
And these will travel days and nights
Will cross the hot summer days, even the cold winter nights
To reach you and make you feel that my love never dies...
My kisses are only meant for you
To reming how much I care for you.
I am sending you millions of kisses
Kisses only for you day and night
For every hour and every minute
For every seconds of your life
Kisses sealed with love...hope u recive theamam!

That's when I'll stop loving you...

When winter comes in summer...when there's no more forever
When lies become the truth...that's when I'll stop loving you!
As long as sunlight lights the sky...light of love wil be found in these eyes of mine and I will shine that light for you...coz' you're the only one, I'll ever give this heart of mine...
And when this world doesn't turn any more...till then stars all decide to stop shining...till then I'm gonna be by your side...gonna be loving you forever...everyday of my life....

Mind and words...

If you want to know the mind of a person...listen to his words!mind speaks your words and tells who you are.Good day to everyone.GOOD BLESS!Always take care...

Let me hug you , my friend!

For my dearest friend who's now having hard times these days...Iwant you and i need you here be side me coz'i want to hog you.Where are you now?I missed you so much! Let me comfort you in my own little ways.Share your heartaches with me . You can express your thoughts immeasuraby anytime with me. You know that I am always here for you no matter what happens...You know the word friendship only becomes true when shared by people during tough times. A friendship is sweet when it's new but it's sweeter when it's true.Bt you know what? It's sweetest when it's you!Thank you for being with me...don't forget i will always be your angel!

luni, 28 aprilie 2008


If love is a dream, then I hope not to wake.
If love is confusion, then let my mind shake.
If love is the sun, then let it burn on...and if love is God, let him rule long!
If love is a fariy tale, do let me see...and if love is a persone,please let it be me!If hate is a fire, then give me apool.If hate is a trick then I hope to be out of fool.If hate is a rhythm then I'll break the beat... and if hate is hunger, I just wont't eat.If hate is a story, I'll coose the book...and if hate is a vision, I just won't look.
If hate is power, I'm stronger than he...and if hate is a person, I pray it isn't me.

who cares if i am a fool to others...

Your love is what keps me going.My heart is beating, my blood is flowing.The precious words I yearn to hear.Losing you is the only thing I fear.I have faitm...God will do us right.We will not give up with out a fing.Together we can conguer it all.Don't get discouraged, you know what to do.Pray to God and keep love inside.You can't lose your almighty pride because I love you with all of me.Without you I just can't be,you're in my heart forever, we're never apart.Our souls were attached from the start.It's your love that matters to me...not what people will say about uz coz' what only matters to me is you!

joi, 24 aprilie 2008

Be what you are...

Happiness isn't about having all of the things you want.It's about loving the things you already have and working to ward becoming the person you want to be.Don't ever follow in someone else's footsteps, make your own footsteps. Let your life be your own weekend!!God bless...


Stay as calm a clear blue sky,stay as tranguil as a peaceful ocean, stay as pure as silk and stay as bright as your smile,
But stay as prepared as a warrior in combat.
Life is a beautiful thing and the world is a wondrous place , but evil will always find a way to present itself.


One thing I know is that my love is true...
Another thing I know is that I will always love you...
But one thing I'm sure of is...
I will never have you .
And that's one thing would never changed.

You think you know everything...

You think you really know someone until the y let you down...
They kick you like a loser and push you to the ground...
They say they really love you .YOU SAY YOU LOVE THEM TOO...
Until the time you find out that they do allthat to you...
They treat you like you're atrash..
They make you feel so happy and then you feel so low
They didn't understand wnen you told them how you feel
They humiliated you and made you feel like like ..
And didn't believe you when u said you take it back
Some people can be jerks...some people can be cool
They play you like a loser...They play you like a fool!

There are reasons for every thing...

Everything happens for areason.Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck.Illness , love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity. All occur to test limits of your soul. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, bat also because they areteaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to littel things.Make every day count.Appreciate everything that you possibli can for you may never experience it again , if someone hurts you , because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

No Matter Haw Far Coz' We' Re Connected At Heart...

We are connected at the heart...
Nothing on earth keep us apart
Time has no meaning...
Distanse has no power
Tt's never too late...
No matter how long
We're never that far
We're connected at heart!

There's only you...the joy of my life!

In every life they say
One perfect love comes your way
I know for my heart that's true...
Some may have their riches...some may
Have their worldly fame
As long as I have you...I'll treasure each and every day
There's only you...
Coz'you are the joy of my life.

vineri, 18 aprilie 2008


Let the sun pour over you...take in the fresh air
Spread your arms wide ...put on a smil and shine.
If I was a rainbow...I'd show my colors for you.
If I was a song bird...I'd sing my songs for you
If I was a star...I'd shine my light for you.
If it takes the sun and the moon to take away the stars at night...
My love light would shine for you.Your love is really one of akind.
And I really couldn't help but to make you mine.
I love you from head to to e.


Along life's dhth, we wind our way ,
Meeting people by night and day.
No greater drivilege small we reap,
Tthe gift of friendship, a treasure to keep.
Like the oyster with its pearl rare,
Friendship is nurtured with time and care,
Filled with warmth and affection too,
True friendship blossoms , rare to few
There is no reason to the things that we do,
We can break a heart with just a word or two.
But when to a friend we apologize,
We know to they understand by the look in their eyes.
A friend is truly a precious gem!


Sometimes you meet people along the way
That made you smile.
Sometimes you meet people along the road
That made you feel special.
Sometimes you meet people along the pathway
That made your heart skipped.
Sometimes you meet people along the nighway
That made you turn around.
But time has come if the thought of
Leaving felt so cold...
Remember always, moments spent with you
For a miute or two is enough
To hold the memory of you...


A smail is a precious gift that can be given or received. And when you have a friend who can share in those smail with you, it makes living here on this earth a little easier and happier. A woman is so blessed if she can say has who makes her smaile.

joi, 17 aprilie 2008


A simple smile can say hello, to a stranger passing by.
A smaile can brighten up their day, when they feel , a need to cry.
A smile can give a person hope, when all their hope is gone.
A smail can lighten up their load , as they try to travel on .
A smail can speak a milion words , and never make a sound.
A smail can chase away your fears , when no friends can be found.
A smail can tell you all is well, and you've made another friend.
A smail can warm your lover's heart, and make love grow again.


If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman...
If you don't , you're not a man.
If, you praise her, she thinks you are lying...
If you don't , you are good for nothing.
If you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp...
If you don't you are not understanding.
If you don't she accuses you of double-crossing.
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy...
If you don't ,you are a dull boy.
If you are jealous, she says it's bad...
If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect...
If you don't she thinks you do not like her!
True or not???


Love is a gift. We love someone not by overlooking their flaws, but , because of them. What one person sees as a flaw another person might see as perfection.Flaws are what make us unigue.Fare what make us who we are.Remember the rarest and most precious jewels it the world contain some flaw on some level. Real love accepts flaws and makes that person much more valuable to us.REAL LOVE SEES NO, IMPERFECTION.Instead, it adores an individual's unigueness..

miercuri, 16 aprilie 2008


I CAN'T SAY i never loved you...
Coz'I did.
I can't say I never missed you...
Coz'I did
I can't say you weren't my everything...
Coz' you were my life...
And ever since you came into my life you've made me realize.
How much this love is worth...
So I , can't say I don't love you ...
Coz' I gave you my heart...
Trust care, secrets, and my entire life...
Don't tell;me that you don't love me...when


I am alil bit sick these past few days...
Slight fever and suffering from severe headaches bat still coping...
Just don't want to miss the chance to greet you all....give a beautiful smail and big hugs to everyone...
Thanks you for all your messages, take care and God bless you all!


True love has a special healing efeect that no even medicine can ever have.
True love is hard to find and difficult to recogniz. Some may call it luck and some may call it a decision. Bat what ever it is , the consnsus is that no one is ever left alone and no one is totally unworthy of getting love.One just has tofind out the right preson who will appreciate one's gualitis. If partners do not appreciate each other's efforts, the whole idea of being together beconies meaningless. At times, two people who are mere acguain. Tances may have wrong impressions about each other. So , it is important on their part to know each other properly before jumping to any conclusions.It is egually important for friends to be abel to relate to each other befor they graduate as lovers.

marți, 15 aprilie 2008

Singing same tunes....

All your life you're singing on to your own tune. One day,you will be surprised to discover someone playing a song that meshes beautifully with yours. That's real love, Love is not giving up who you are...it's taking your identity and uniting it with someone else's.....

LOVE an't lie....

If olny you could see what is in my heart, maybe then you won't have torn it apart.
With a resounding echo memories surface from the past, maybe you and I were never meant to last. But what of these emotions ? Why do they feel right? Why must you fill my thoghts every single night? I try to turn away I try so hard to hide; but the further I went away, the more a part of me died. Now I am without an answer-I have not even a clue , of what else I can do to stop myself falling again for you.
I look at my life and connect the dots of pain:Pain!-You are doomed to haunt me over and over again.
Despair has overtaken me,
Loneliness reign's dy royal decree.
I can no longer fight this torment-Qvietly I small fade away , into nothingness I shall be sent.


Life is similar to fire . You can live it like the glowing tia of a tiny match stick. You can live it like a blazing inferno. You can make it as large, powerful, and intense as you'd like it to be.... but no matter how you choose to live your life , anyone's flame can always be guickly extinguished. Make every today the best that it can be because no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Although none of us know what our futures might hold, never let your plans replace your dreams.
Without both, we will never rise to our own expectations. Use your mind , use your heart, and use your instinct.Your truest vision doesn't always come from your eyes.Life is a gift.... and a treasure!


Far across the distance and spaces....you are always on my mind, my hart my soul.
You give meaning to my life. No one needs you more than I need you! Love doesn't ask why so don't ask me if I am right or wrong coz'it's the heart that speaks. Iust be crazy now, tninking too much of you... just let me coz' my life started to change.... i wake up each day feeling alright.
You fill up the empty space in my heart. You came at the right time. I never expected to meet someone like you who took away all my fears and sorrows. Surely , my life is a gift coz'you are one of the many reasons. So I promise to spend my lifetime loving you and catching every drop of hope to better days with you till end of time.


I woke up filled with thoughts of you. I realized how muchi mportat you are in my live.I just need to say to you that i love you with everything that mekes me whd i am. The feelings i have for you come from deep within me, from the core of my soul.I have come to realize you can only love like this once in your life. True love only happens once . You can love again bat it can never be as pure as true love . We will find happiness with each other that was thought to only happen in fairytales. Our dreams will become reality. When we part our souls will yearn to connect once again and we will continue to love beyond life. I'll be your greatest fan in your life coz'I can feel you breathing within me!


Time might come
That you'll leave me
But i just want you to khow
Even when i'm old
So old i can'd remember my own name
I want to remember
All the memoris
We had together
And the fact that i once
Liked you...
Loved you...
Mssed you...
I won't forget taat...
Coz' you are unforgettable!

sâmbătă, 12 aprilie 2008


Many will say that hardship & difficulty r normal. However, life should not be a struggle. It should flow w/ effortless ease&simplicity. Mine does . Life is full of love , joi , inner, peace, excitement,& meaning. Suffering& struggle is indication that an individual is of harmony w/ his inner self& purpose. Let urself be open & life will be easier. U know ur highest self by listening 2 d voice that only wants U 2 be at peace. IF U let cloudy water settle , it will become clear. IF U let ur tubbulent mind settle , ur path willalso become clear. The secrets of the universe are only secrets 2 a noisy mind. Silence is the veil of GOD.All problems contain d seed ofopportunity 4 some greater benefits, & this awareness allows U2 take d moment & transform it into a better situation or thing . That's just life; it only seems like it gets harder but if U look around U may see that others have it harder than U.


In\this world , things come and go, and we can't khow what the future may hold.Notthing really stays the same. And when we least expect it , our lives are changed if something ever changes and we happen to lose touch please know that Iwillalways thin'k of you and miss you very much.
So before the world changes I just wanted to say I am thankful we are friends yesterday and today with time and fortune on our side. I hope we never part, but if we do remember , you are forever in my heart!!!!! Good morning and happy weekend.


Touch my heart with tenderness and fill my cup with love. Share my dreams as i share yours and we will reach the staes abone. Take my hands as I g row old, and lead me when I am blind, I will show you that I really care.Good friends are hard to find.Touch my life and I will touch yours a little more each day, and we can both find happiness
somewhere, sometime someday along the way.Hugs for you from my big heart!

vineri, 11 aprilie 2008


There are things we re gret...wordswe wis hed had nod been said...Starts that have bitter endings...chances that we threw away...roads we smould never taken...signs we didn't see...hearts we hurt needlessly and wounds we wish we could mend.Blife gets harder everi day. The past can make us stronger.Be thank ful for every change...for every break in your heart... for every scar.Some pages were turned... some bridges were burned but the good things is lessons,are learned even in the hard way!


When someone cares.Itis easier, to speak , It is easier to listen, It is easier to play and it is easier to easier to laugh Thanks for caring about me!I want you to know that i care about you, too.I LOVE YOU and iwll always be here for you!

joi, 10 aprilie 2008


Happiness lies for those who cry...Those who hurt..Those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Iwish i can touch your heart in my own little ways and give you a little smile to make you feel happy!


Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes.Beauty dwells eternal inside any individual who has the ability to recognize and admire the goodmess within others.Everyone is incredible in their own special way.

miercuri, 9 aprilie 2008


I will let you go...I will let you fly with my wings... to the place where you can find your happiness.I will never control you life just to be with me!You know that all i want is yor happiness.Iwill just be your guiding star...for you to fulfill yor dreams!Even we're apart, Iwill alwayz be your angel who will take care of you... and this is the best of my love coz' you mean everything to me!SWEET DREAMS...


Never think hard about the past,it brings"TEARS"...Don't think more about the future, it brings"FEARS"...Live this moment with a smile, it brings"JOY AND HOPE".God bless you all.Good Morning...HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

marți, 8 aprilie 2008

Moments with a real friend...

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend,Someone who changes your life,just by being apart of it.Someone who makes you laugh.Until you can't stop.Someone who makes you believe.That There Really is good in the world.Someone who convinces you that,there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.This is a Forever Friendship.When you're down, and the world seem's dark and empty world, your foreveer friend lifts'you up in spirit, and mekes that dark and empty world,Suddenly seem bright and full.And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry, you have a forever friend for life,and forever has no end,FRIENDSHIP IS NOT ABOUT FINDING SIMILARITIES IT IS ABOUT RESPECTING COZ'YOU ARE LIKE ME BUT BECAUSE I ACCEPT YOU AND RESPECT YOU THE WAY YOU ARE.

luni, 7 aprilie 2008


Cartoful cu pulpa fainoasa este excelent pentru supe sau piureuri; mai mult, pentru ca absoarbe putin ulei, este foarte bun prajit.


Rulada de biscuiti cu fructe confiate
ingrediente: .biscuiti,250g .fructe confiate,150g .cacao,3linguri
.rom.1lingura .stafide,2linguri
.margarina,150g .zeama de la o lamaie .gelatina(facultativ),2foi
.rahat,250g .coaja de la o lamaie .zahar pudra,2linguri
.nuci uscate si maruntite,100g Mod de preparare : Foile de gelatina se topesc in 50ml apa calda la foc mic, se adauga rahat taiat in bucatele mici si se lasa la topit,dupa care se adauga cacao, nuca maruntita, fructele confiate,coaja de lamaie, stafidele, zeama de lamaie.Toate acestea se amesteca pana se obtine o pasta moale in care se incorporeaza margarina; se ia de pe foc si se adauga biscuitii sfaramati si se omogenizeaza bine compozitia.Se intinde o hartie pergament se umezeste cu putina apa, iar pe acest pergament se toarna compozitia si se modeleaza sub forma unui cilindru.Se pastreaza la rece timp de 12 ore dupa care se indeparteaza hartia pergament, se presara rulada cu zahar pudra si cacao.Se serveste feliata fiind un excelent desert pentru zilele de post!


Drada cu legume
.dorada regala 400g .cartofi noi 200g .otet balsamic 5ml
1 buc .menta proaspata 10g .usturoi 1catel
.lamaie 120g .busuioc proaspat 10g .nucusoara macinata
.rosii 200g .ulei de masline 50ml .sare,piper
.spanac proaspat Mod de preparare
Cartofi se spala,se curata, setaie in forma de butoiase si se fierb in apa cu sare.Spanacul se spala in trei ape si se soteaza cu ulei de masline,sare,piper si nucusoara macinata.Dorada se spala, se curata, se sareaza si se pipereaza, se presara cu ulei de masline si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit timp de 20 de minute.Marinada de rosii se prepara din rosii decojite taiate cubulete amestecate cu usturoiul tocat, busuioc taiat julien,ulei de masline.Pestele scos de la cuptor, se aseaza pe o farfurie si se serveste cu garnitura de cartofi fierti, spanac sotat si marinata de rosii deasupra.Se decoreaza cu lamaie si otet balsamat.